Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Tea is the second most consumed beverage - water is first.
Tea is popular in almost every country around the world!
Tea has been used for centuries for different health remedies - especially headaches.

You can drink tea hot, or iced and just about any flavor you want!  I like a nice green tea with honey in the morning to get me up and going.  Sometimes an English tea with milk - smooth and sweet and creamy.  Herbal teas if I'm a bit stuffy or have a sore throat, with honey or lemon juice.  All day I will drink iced tea - green, peach/raspberry, sweet tea... lots of kinds.  A nice chamomile is great as I'm relaxing and getting ready for bed.

Honestly I love tea - and I'm glad most of the world does too!
(tip - tea can be safer to drink than water where water is tainted because boiling water will kill any bacteria that was in it!)

God Bless,
your sister in Christ~Erin

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