Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hard Truths

In our religious traditions we believe in certain truths.  Some of these concepts come from the bible, others from tradition, still others are based in what we dub as "theology".  Which, as I understand it, is our human understanding of scripture.  Theology differs among denominations, obviously religions, but even more often - individuals.  Here are some basic truths, do you agree? 

God created the heavens and the earth. 
God loves all of his creation. 
Jesus lived and taught how God desires us to live out our lives.  Prophets try to share God's love and warnings to people. 

Would you agree with me that these are generally accepted truths among Christians?  What about some of the less "warm and fuzzy" beliefs. 

God desires a relationship with his beloved children, but can not be in relationship with anyone who sins. 
God hates sin. 
Jesus died to fulfill our (mine and yours) debt to God, for we are sinners and deserve to die as he did. 
Because of Jesus's sacrifice, God offers us his grace which we must accept to gain eternal life. 
For those who do not accept God's grace through believing in Jesus, they will not gain eternal life - they will spend eternity in hell. 
This includes those who have never heard the message of the gospel. 

Now here is where it gets interesting.  Those who say "it does not effect me" are wrong.  Even if you are a believer in Christ, I am sure that you know of others who aren't.  We are also called by Jesus to go out and spread the good news to those who have not heard.  Our compassionate hearts ask, can our God of Love really condem to Hell those who have died as infants?  Or those who have never heard the gospel? 

Well... the bible is pretty clear - there is no other way to the father except through me (Jesus).  John 14:6  However many theologians believe (and teach) that there is a certain age we must reach before God expects us to make that decision.  Or all children that are baptized are accepted by God.  So what do we believe? 

I do have to admit - I don't know.  Now I'm not trying to ignore this issue because it is important.  It is easy to say, well God is a God of mystery and I am not capable of understanding his ways.  But how would my actions change if I really truly believed that all nonbelievers went to hell?  Would I try harder to evangelize?

There is a new book out entitled "Love Wins" by Rob Bell.  It presents this very issue.  Today among my generation we have a difficult time accepting a God so willing to condemn those we know are good and love so much.  We are in a culture of acceptance - but is our God?  Are we simply trying to soften the gospel? Do we really believe that we need to accept Christ into our life?  Will everyone go to heaven? 

A couple years ago I read another book on this subject entitled "If God is Love".  The authors point was that if God is truly a God of Love then he would accept all of his children into heaven no matter what.  Interesting theological point.  In many ways I love the idea, but it's not what I have been taught by my faith tradition or in the bible.  It is very dangerous to make God into what we would like God to be... instead of accepting God and following the path laid out for us.  I learned that the view of God accepting all people to heaven is called Universalism.  One can also be an exclusivist, or on the other side believe in inclusivism (that God saves through Christ but includes others on the basis of what work, and that inclusion is based on response to truth) and accessibilism (that God somehow reveals his saving truth to all humans who have ever lived, and has done so at least one time in the life of each person, and judges on that basis but salvation is only through Christ).  Taken from Scott McKight and his great conversation about Rob Bell's new book. 

I enjoyed reading C.S. Lewis's Narnia series.  In "The Final Battle" there is a beautiful description of a sort of heaven.  Some who were there didn't realize it - they were still in the dark, but still there.  One was of a different faith and baffled to be there, but chosen by God and loved.  Does it cheapen our grace if others who are not like us are "allowed" in?  Doesn't Jesus teach us not to worry about it in the parable of the Vineyard owner (paying all his workers the same no matter how long they worked?)  Matthew 20:1-16 

So here is the rock and the hard place.  Will we know for sure who gets into heaven or how?  If we truly believe the only answer is Jesus, how does that change our actions? 

Praying for direction,
your sister in Christ~ Erin Michelle 

Monday, April 18, 2011


Whenever I start to feel... down/off/sad/frustrated/etc.  I try to regain some perspective.  This is my favorite prayer - (the whole thing)

grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time,
enjoying one moment at a time,
accepting hardships as the way to peace,
taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is,
not as I would have it;
trusting that he will make all things right
if I surrender to his will.

That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with him forever in the rest.
- Reinhold Niegbuhr

I absolutely love being in Westfield, WI.  Close to my grandparents and so much history of my family.  I love living in my little cabin in the woods, 100 feet from a beautiful lake.  It's a dream world.  I get to serve people and teach people, and work with kids.  Yet there is always a but.  I miss my friends.  I get lonely.  But I have been blessed and I will trust and have faith.  I was not created to be alone.  Somewhere out there, is a match for me, god willing I will find him sooner rather than later. 

I had a wonderful moment today that brightened my day with a friend who is far away.  Best of luck with that pomegranite tree, dance lots, and think of me - chilling in my hammock by the lake. 

your sister in Christ~

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Change the World

The United Methodist Church is sponsoring a day of volunteering around the globe.  Awesome!  This is the second year of this project and I'm excited about it. 

Get involved locally. 
Improve health globally.
Change the World. 

That's something I'm proud of coming out of our church.  :) 
The idea of the event is to challenge local congregations to partner with other groups in town and do some volunteer or service work.  If you would like to, they also encourage you to raise money for Imagine No Malaria.  (Related to Nothing But Nets - but do more than prevention - treatment, education, etc)

There are a lot of humanitarian organizations out there.  Some I agree with, some I am alittle leary of.  I do however appreciate the church (my church) getting out and doing something.  Not that they don't, there are many amazing programs happening on the local/conference/jurisdictional/etc level.  Prison ministries, homeless ministries, etc, but this is uniting, simple, and easy. 

That weekend my home church is coming to camp for a retreat.  Perhaps I'll talk them into a project somewhere.... :) 

What will you DO to change the world? 
your sister in Christ~Erin