Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Friendship and Leadership

I LOVE to meet new people.  One of my favorite things about camp is that I get to meet new people all the time.  As you get to know a person it's almost like unwrapping a present.  You don't know what you will find, and you may love it or be very surprised. 

Based on the life and teachings of Jesus, I think he also loved getting to meet lots of people.  I wonder if he struggled at all... getting to know their names, remembering what they like and dislike, listening when they were talking.  Yet the whole Jesus is God connection probably means he knew them before they even knew of him.  I try my best to treat everyone I meet as Jesus would want me to treat them.  Have fun, get to know them honestly, and respect them.  I quickly gain new friends. 

Yet... sometimes in someplaces my leadership and mothering side shows through more.  I will step in to help a friend and end up leading a situation.  Many times I am asked or it is expected.  Not that I mind, I will automatically do what I can to serve others (I'm pretty excited to be a deacon for that is really what they do!)  Yet the servant leadership /friend line can get blurry. 

What would Jesus do?  Would Jesus try to encourage those around him who seemed to need it?  Would he scold them?  Would he lovingly try to fix the little problems or would he just let them be to solve themselves?  Sigh... well - looking back, he often fixed his disciples views on things.  Yet always in a loving, non condescending way.  He seemed to have a better grip on what was truely important. 

So now what?  I am going to remember the lesson I brought with my in the form of a hammock from my last camp.  Relax.  Remember that God is in charge.  Pray for his wisdom to show you what to do and what to leave be. 

In peace with love,
your sister in Christ~Erin