Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Songs of Christmas Past

Hello friends!  Christmas consumes all life!

I do very much miss easy internet access.  Sigh.  But there are other wonderful things in life.  Like Christmas!

So my pastor, knowing how much I love worship, asked me to put together the service for Sunday seeing that she is doing everything for all the Christmas eve services.  YES!  I miss putting services together...

So we are doing a history of christmas carols thing, and I think it will be awesome!  I got a bunch of instrumentalists (go instrumentalists!!!) to play the carols while someone is going to read a short paragraph I put together and then we all sing the first verse.  6 carols, lots of fun.

I just love Christmas, but interestingly enough I recently learned some people really do not.  I love the lights, the smells, the smiles, the decorations, and the SOUNDS!  So happy, filled with love.  But is it over commercialized and not really about Christ's birth?  Well... this is going to sound bad - but who cares?

I take the side of the sergeant in Guy's and Dolls when she finds out the reason all the gamblers are at the prayer meeting is that they lost a bet.  Isn't it wonderful that God can use anything to bring people the message of salvation?  We don't control when people are ready to hear the word - like the parable of the sower, we can't help it if people aren't ready to grow.  But I am grateful that this beautiful and wonderful season gives people the opportunity to (I know it doesn't happen in every household) hear the story of God coming to earth.  What they think of it I can't say.

All I know is that this time of year, more than any other, people are kinder to one another and I'm grateful.  Yes, I would love for that to continue throughout the year, but I'll take what I can get and keep on loving people.  I can only control myself and through the grace of God I will do my best.

I pray that you and your loved ones have a very happy and warm Christmas.  God Bless!

Your sister in Christ~Erin

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

So this is what I've gathered from 2 Kings...

Jehoram ruled for 8 years - did evil in the eyes of the Lord, son Ahaziah
Ahaziah ruled for 1 year and was killed by Jehu, son Joash (was hidden when Jehu killed Ahaziah's family)
Joash started ruling when he was 7, ruled for 40 years, son Amaziah
Amaziah ruled for 25 years, son Azariah
Azariah (or Uzziah- called both) ruled for 54 years, Jotham 
Jotham - good king, ruled

**here is where I get confused, in Matthew it goes straight from Jehoram to Uzziah - but there are 3 generations in between!

Ahaz - ruled for 16 years, did evil in the eyes of the Lord, believed in human sacrifice - even sacrificed his son! son Hezekiah
Hezekiah - really great king!  Successful at everything he did (lots of battles), son Manasseh
Manasseh - ruled for 55 years, did evil in the eyes of the Lord, son Amon
Amon  - ruled for 2 years, did evil in the eyes of the Lord, was assassinated by his officials, son Josiah
Josiah - was 8 when he became King, ruled for 31 years, good king, renewed covenant with the Lord!

There is lots of history here, years of stories, not just battles and changing of political lines, but they aren't written in the bible.  At the summary of each king it states - aren't all the deeds, good and bad, done by this king written in the history books?

What stories of honor and inspiration have we lost?  They were important enough for Matthew to list, our history is important.  That's why we have tradition, to remember the past.  The good and the bad, to learn and to be inspired along our path.

Role models, saints, hero's... we all have them.  Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa, Dietrich Bonhoeffer... all people I admire and have learned from.  Who are some important people for you?

In peace,
your sister in Christ~Erin

Saturday, December 04, 2010

Extra, extra, read all about it! Politics and Punishment!

More history...

Rhoboam - was suppose to become King after his father Solomon, however when the working class came to him and asked for less work he refused and said he would make them work harder!  (bad politics) and they overthrew him.  it is said then that all of Isreal will reject the house of David... (forshadowing!)  
But because Jeroboam (the leader) who became King strayed from God and built temples for other God's and the like, God killed his son and made Rhoboam king again.  
***This is when Israel splits in 2, the northern half Israel and the southern half Judah.  Jeroboam continues to be the King, but of Israel while Rhoboam is the King of Judah, and he reigned for 17 years. (but was always at war with Jeroboam) 
Abijad - Ruled Judah after his father, did the same sins as his father, only reigned for 3 years, lots of war with Jerobaom.  : ( 
Asa - took over after his fathers short rule.  Ruled a long time!  Worshiped God and didn't put up with pagan worshipers (even outted his grandmother!)  Hurrah a good king!  During his reign there was war with Israel.  
Jehoshaphat -  good King, followed God, was a peace with Israel! reigned for a good 20 some years 
Jehoram - he married a girl from the royal house of Israel (who weren't following God laws well) only reigned for 8 years and didn't follow God (did evil in the eyes of the Lord) 
Azziah (Uzziah? Ahaziah?)same? - (says the book of Kings... ) ruled after his father, but again did evil in the eyes of the Lord.  Got along with Ahab King of Israel (they were family), but God spoke to a man named Jehu and he killed both the kings and their entire families!  
After some rocky years with Jehu leading, Ahaziah sister got away and hid her son Joash- who began his reign at age 7.  Both Israel and Judah (I think... 2 Kings 12) - But in the 27 year of his reign Jehu's son became King of Isreal.  

So lots of bad kings, corrupt officials I guess, doing what they please instead of God.  Which in turn lead to the splitting of the country into Israel and Judah and everyone kinda getting looser on their morals.  God spoke through Elijah and Elisha at this time, but the kings didn't really care.  

Thoughts and questions to take away:  fascinating stories by humans that are relevant today, how were they relevant to Jesus?  Why are their names remembered and listed in the first chapter of the gospel?  What can we learn from them?  

More soon!  

God Bless, 
stay warm!!  
~your sister in Christ, Erin