Saturday, September 20, 2008

By and By

I love the song "I'll fly away, oh glory, I'll fly away. When I die, hallelujah by and by, I'll fly away". And this morning it is stuck in my head.

Admist all of the worries and all of the challenges in a day, a simple song like this reminds me of God's world. This is not a place I am destined to stay forever. One day I will fly home. More than half of the struggle of life can be changed with attitude. When I get stressed, frustrated, or upset if I look on the situation as a problem, it will be something I must solve or fix. Yet if I take the time to wrap my head around it as a challenge then it is no longer something I must struggle with, but work towards climbing over.

Smiles and laughter. Simple things to smile about every day. Enjoy the beautiful sunshine today. God Bless!

your sister in Christ~