Monday, February 01, 2010


Sigh.  =)  I meditated today.

There is something about the presence of God, to me it's like being wrapped up in a blanket and held.  My message today was an age old one that we too often forget to take to heart.

My beloved, I love you.

No complicated theology, no parables, no judgments or exhalations.  I forget that my creator loves me.  It's why we are christians!  It's what we talk about all the time!  But do we take time to experience the love of God in our lives?  To just be with God and feel that holy peace?  There's nothing simple about it - it is a deep, all knowing, beautiful kind of love that we all seek but too often don't find.  We rush around - trust me, i'm great at it.  I am reminded of my best friend.  We don't get to spend a great deal of time together, and the time we do spend together isn't really epic or really planned.  It's the moments of just hanging out and being with each other that we feel each others love.  

Yet there is always something to do, people to help, commitments to fulfill.  We don't take the time it takes to quiet ourselves.  To remember that while God can surprise us in the smile of a another or touch our souls in a song, we need to take the time to just be in the Lord's presence and be still.

For Elijah didn't find God in the storm or the wind or the fire of life, but in the stillness.  It takes me almost a half an hour to focus on my breathing and try my best to clear all those thoughts from my mind. But when I reach that place where I am connected with the holy spirit it is indescribable.

Take some time today or tomorrow to quiet your mind and your soul and let the creator of the universe hold you, recharge you, and remind you that you claimed, you are a beloved child of God.

your sister in Christ~Erin

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