Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Kaj Munk

Great quote:
"What is, therefore, our task today?  Shall I answer: "Faith, hope, and love"?  That sounds beautiful.  But I would say - courage.  No, even that is not challenging enough to be the whole truth.  Our task today is recklessness.  For what we Christians lack today is not psychology or literature...what we lack is a holy rage - the recklessness which comes from the knowledge of God and humanity.  The ability to rage when justice lies prostrate on the streets, and when the lie rages across the face of the earth...a holy anger about the things that are wrong in the world.  To rage against the ravaging of God's earth, and the destruction of God's world.  To rage when little children must die of hunger, when the tables of the rich are sagging with food.  To rage at the senseless killing of so many, and against the madness of militaries.  To rage at the lie that calls the threat of death and the strategy of destruction peace.  To rage against complacency.  To restlessly seek that recklessness that will challenge and seek to change human history until it conforms to the norms of the Kingdom of God.  And remember the signs of the Christian Church have been the Lion, the Lamb, the Dove, and the Fish... but never the chameleon."  - Kaj Munk

Kaj Munk (1898-1944) was a Danish pastor and playwright killed by the Gestapo in 1944 for his opinions and preaching against the german invasion of Denmark.  He was influenced highly by Kierkegaard, a famous philosopher - also Danish.

I love his (Munks) quote here about holy rage.  I get so angry and disheartened  today about poverty, hunger, human trafficking, war, terrorism, and just in general that wealthy christians justify their lifestyle without seemingly much of a care for anyone else.  We have become like the Pharisees living IN the world and OF the world.  We are so focused on what we deserve, what we want, and what we want.  It's hard to say that we don't deserve happy lives in nice neighborhoods and food on the table.  But doesn't everyone?  Is it fair to want those things at the expense of others?

I say no.

I want to love recklessly and without abandon.  Not to be concerned about the "bad" parts of town, but to find a need and do my best to fill it.  To use my gifts and talents to help redistribute the worlds resources, expose privilege, and dance, sing, laugh, help folks reach out to one another and have meaningful relationships.  I want to help the world remember that we have other options, and we can't just accept what we see and what we are given, we can schmear finger paint all over it and make it beautiful.

God Bless,
your sister in Christ~Erin

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