Monday, February 08, 2010

Lectio divina

Another art and tradition of meditation - the art of reading while listening for the still small voice of God.

I think of it (as best I have read/studied) in 4 steps:

1 - lectio is the first step where you read or listen to a selected section of scripture, either alone or in a group, and while reading focus on listening (not the typical speed reading).  Read until a certain word or phrase speaks to you personally.
2 - meditatio is the second step where you take some time to focus on that word or phrase.  Memorize it, repeat it just take some time to think about the meaning it has for you and take you deeper with it
3 - oratio is the third step and is prayer to God about the word or phrase that has spoken to you and meant to help take you deeper again
4 - contemplatio is the forth step where you rest in the presence of God and accept the message you have been reading/meditating/praying on

Just another option out their for meditation, I first experienced it in a small group.  I like that it is a bit more structured than meditating with a mantra, however I have come to love them both.  

In peace with love,
your sister in Christ~Erin

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