Friday, February 12, 2010

Secret Valentine...

This week at work we had a "secret valentine" exchange and it was so much fun!!  I had lot of tips from co workers on fun ways that I could surprise my valentine - confetti all over the desk, in drawers - lots of decorations.  But I also had a lot of other fun things - hershey kiss trial to the office, paper chains, window crayons (that was great!) and today the secretary and a friend of mine helped me blow up 30 balloons to cover the office and we taped them down!  (so you can't just simply move them around.  Then we took streamers and taped them across much of the doorway.  =)

It's just been such a blessing to me to scheme and plan - and I've gotten closer with staff I don't typically work with as I have gone sneaking around.

I am happy to announce that my secret valentine doesn't know it was me and maybe will never know...!  Ha hahaha!

As Christians I feel that we are called to be joyful.  On account of the gift of God's grace, we should be overflowing with happiness and love.  There are days when I don't feel that, but many times I allow other things to get in my way.

I change you to find ways regularly to surprise someone secretly (maybe weekly/monthly/daily!).  Be it a candy bar hidden in a desk to bringing over a meal to a young busy family, or sending a card or note.  Appreciate those you have around you and not just to yourself, but let them know it too.  God gives to us abundantly so that we can spread it around.  It often occurs to us to serve those "in need" and go to areas where there is poverty and suffering.  Our brothers and sisters in those places need our love for sure.  But so do the brothers and sisters we live around, work around, and worship with.  Get to know people you are with.  Listen to them when they talk.  Ask them questions.  Love them.

"For they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love.  Yes they'll know we are Christians by our love."  

In peace with love,
your sister in Chris~Erin

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