Monday, January 25, 2010


Okay - so honest, this is the second monday I have not meditated.  =(  I really miss meditation in my life.  My favorite way to meditate is with a mantra.  I sit in a quiet place and focus.  I repeat the mantra over and over again to quiet my soul and mind (this can take 1/2 at times, sigh!) and I listen.  Sometimes I am just content to be in the presence of God, other times I will be lead to something I needed to know or focus on in my life.  Afterwards I pray and am always so peaceful and tranquil and ready to go out into the world.  I would love to get back in the habit.

The mantra I have felt lead to in the last year has been:

"Be still and know that I am God"

I'm still working on that.

It's easier for me to spend hours working on the blog - new template, trying new gadgets, (I am trying to get a bookshelf of the books I am reading, but it just gives a link!  Oye vey!!)  But I can't take an hour a day to mediate?  Or even once a week?  I'm working on that.  At least I am almost keeping up with the once daily blogging.  We'll just have to see where it goes.

God Bless your and yours!
Your sister in Christ~ Erin

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