Thursday, January 21, 2010

Issues I don't have!

Thursdays I am devoting to being particularly thankful.  Today as I read Matthew 19-21 I am very thankful that I am not dealing with many of the issues the people of Matthew were dealing with.

Thank you Lord I am not trying to get a divorce - (Divorce, Matt. 19.4)
Thank you Lord I am not rich - (On being perfect, Matt 19.21)
Thank you Lord I am content - (Parable of the Laborers, Matt. 20.1-16)
Thank you Lord I have my sight!  - (Blind man, Matt. 20.34)
Thank you Lord I am not a slave - (Parable of the Vineyard, Matt. 21.33-41)
Thank you Lord I am not a hypocritical scribe, priest, or pharisee - (Plot against Jesus, Matt. 21.23)

There are many cute sayings, songs, poems etc. to help us remember to count our blessings - one of my favorite songs "Count your Blessings" from White Christmas.  "When I'm worried and can not sleep, I count my blessings instead of sheep"

A more modern and comical song with the same idea is found in a song from Avenue Q called "Schadenfreude"

Right now you are down and out and feeling really crappy
I'll say.
And when I see how sad you are
It sort of makes me...
Sorry, Nicky, human nature-
Nothing I can do!
Making me feel glad that I'm not you

Thank you Lord for the blessings I take for granted.
your sister in Christ~ Erin

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