Monday, December 12, 2005


So I was humbled by God today. One thing I haven't been doing well lately is taking some time for God everyday, time to pray time to study and time to listen. So I have been filling in the cracks of my schedule with my version of God time. When i had to walk somewhere, or today, while i was at work lifeguarding (hehe). So in those moments i say to my self yea! some God time! but today God said Erin, you can't multi task your time with me. You can't get a full experience of me when your attention is not centered on me. You can't just shove our time in the cracks of your schedule, this isn't going to work they way you want it.

So needless to say i was alittle taken back, but awed. God was calling me on my slacking. Not something new to me for the past few days but for God to call me on it. . . wow. I want a more indepth meaningful relationship with my God, i want my life to be focused on him and to live for him and with him in all that i do, but that kind of relationship doesn't come without work. I need to give on my part too.

This just really hit home the idea of scheduling our time. The importance in taking time with God everyday not as another multi tasking activity because you can, but let those moments supplement your devotion or whatever time you set aside ahead of time for you and God.

Alot of us, me included, are very involved in religious activities (for lack of a better term) and do alot of God related work in a day, say write this blog devo, but that isn't me and God time. I have let myself rationalize that time out of my schedule and it is hurting me. I don't know if anyone else has experienced this but i wanted to put it out there as something that moved me today.

God Bless,
~your sister in Christ, Erin~

Deuteronomy 8:3
He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your fathers had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you were right--this definitely hit home. Scheduling God time--outside of the activities I'm in that are God-related--I "fill in the cracks" w/ God-time. Walking to class I"ll be like--no headphones today Holly--you're going to pray all the way down the hill to class. This is definitely something I know I need to work on. Maybe re-prioritize and cut something not-God out. ?? Love you Erin! --holly