Friday, October 07, 2005



Sudan is Africa’s largest country. The Muslim government of Khartoum in the North declared a jihad against the mostly Christian South. Since 1985, approximately two million have perished due to the war and genocide.

Religion: Muslim 65.00%, Christian 23.19%, Traditional ethnic 10.61%, and non-Religious/other 1.20%

Ideological Influence: Islam

Head of State: President Lt. Gen. Umar Hasan Ahmad al-Bashir

Persecution: Deliberate attempts to eliminate a viable Christian presence have been extreme and have included the bombing of Sunday school services, as well as the destruction of hospitals, schools, churches and Christian villages. Pastors and church leaders have been killed. Men, women and children have been threatened with death or torture if they refuse to convert to Islam.

Missionary Opportunity: In the midst of these atrocities, the Body of Christ in Sudan is growing. Massive population movements have broken down barriers of customs and languages to bring many to Christ from unreached peoples. Expatriate missionary activity has decreased, and few missionaries remain. Only a lowprofile spiritual ministry and aid program have been permitted in Khartoum and a few outlying areas. Many ministries are also taking in help to those displaced in the Nuba Mountains and South Sudan.

2 Thessalonians 3:1
1 Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you.

There are brothers and sisters suffering from hunger, AIDs, and oppression. Pray for them and seek out ways you can help them. One very simple and easy way is to visit and click for free food everyday. God Bless!
your sister in Christ~Erin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi--i've felt a deep connection / sympathy with the crisis in Africa--AIDS, the wars-all their problems for quite a while. If anyone is very knowledgable about the goings on in Africa--or knows of mission opportunities.. or... i don't know. This is where I've felt my heart being called, and i want to go more in depth with this. Let me know if you can help me at all.. ideas.. just chat. Either comment here, or my e-mail is thanks!