Monday, October 31, 2005


Happy Halloween! Thought i would do something a little special. . .
so fear, a topic that i haven't spent as much time thinking about lately. . . but here are a few definitions for honestly misconceptions are the root of so many problems. . .
1: an emotion experienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger
2: an anxious feeling
3: a profound emotion inspired by a deity; "the fear of God" [syn: reverence, awe, veneration]
1: be afraid or feel anxious or apprehensive about a possible or probable situation or event
2: be afraid or scared of
3: be sorry; used to introduce an unpleasant statement
4: be uneasy or apprehensive about
5: regard with feelings of respect and reverence

so talk about the "fear of God" always bothered me until i had a conversation one day about different meanings of the word fear. Fear is very powerful. Fear theology is bad theolgy and doesn't offer any foundation. Bascially (correct me if i'm wrong) it is stressing that your belief in God is important for otherwise you will go to hell, and your actions need to be Christ likeor you will go to hell. These ideas of fear based beliefs are not what God wants. Also the idea of fearing God as a father brought bad thoughts into my head about my father and it was just an uncomfortable subject for me. However, i have a new understanding that brings me peace.

The 3rd and 5th definitions here are the ones that i understand to realate to the fear of god. Basically to be inspired, in awe, and reverence of him. To respect him for who he is, not to be afraid of him frying you in hell. I truely believe God loves each and every one of us and has no intention of externally damning anyone (though that is another subject =)) Yet there is a major difference between fearing someone and respecting someone. In our labelistic society a connotation of negative goes with fear, but positive with respect.

So when you read in the bible to fear the Lord, think twice about being scared of him, he loves you!
God Bles!
your sister in Christ~Erin
prayer requests~ I've been stressed out
Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good topic for discussion! I've never really liked the "fear the Lord" idea--interpretted as fear him/be Christ-like or you're going to hell---that's more salvation by deeds, not by faith alone. (which is another topic)... but yeah, erin--happy halloween!!! Good job w/ these Love, hugs, and prayers--holly