Monday, October 15, 2007

Serving our persecuted brothers and sisters

I have this desire to help people. I'm not exactly sure where it all came from, but most people who know me can tell you that I'll help anyone (even people my friends/family don't always approve of...) but one group my heart especially goes out to are persecuted Christians.

There are so many stories of the horrors Christians go through abroad. Children being killed by their parents for converting, churches being burned, church leaders imprisioned and beated. All for saying I believe in Jesus. And they continue to stand and take the bad with the good. Churches are growing, people are in need of God and are being found. I only wish it was less dangerous.

I was really very interested as well as repulsed by some of the things that I read about in the Jesus Freaks series as well as documentaries you can see on TV or articles you can read online. Many places in the world have Christians suffering - China, Africa, Laos, Pakistan, are where a few of the stories I read today took place. What can we do to help serve our brothers and sisters in Christ who are persecuted abroad?

Many organizations offer ways that we can use our money to help Christians in other places. Maybe to help with cost of living or more specific uses like bibles. Often groups take mission trips or extended stays to help a community. If you choose a route like this I encourage you at if all possible to stay more than a week, or keep contact with the people you meet. People aren't intersted in having Americans come over for a week of charity and then leave feeling they have done their duty and now feel better. We need to strive to be making relationships with those we meet and keep encouraging each other when we are no longer together.

The biggest thing we can do I believe is educate people. It is commonplace for christian children and teens to be abducted in countries and forced to convert or die. We worry about our children catching the flu or who they choose as friends! We need to help people to know and if possible experience (interactive games/presentations are great *persecution day) the hardships of our christian brothers and sisters. With great knowledge comes great responsibility. The more you know about what is happening in Darfur, China, or a million other places in the world the more you can relate and serve the needs present.

I encourage you to pray for those less fortunate than yourself. Ask God to protect them and give them courage to live out his will in their hardships.

God Bless,
your sister in Christ~Erin

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