Wednesday, September 01, 2010


When looking at something with a critical eye we divide it into pieces and consider the quality of each piece and then the whole.  Transitions is the time between sections.  But living in transition I wonder if its more than we give it credit for.

I guess I have this idea that life fits into a nice timeline of events.  Childhood, school years, college, job.... marriage and family next?

Yet my generation cares and doesn't care about this nice and easy system.  What about those of us that have degrees and no job?  So many more factors to complicate life... economics for example.

And then there is the cheesy quotes and thoughts that each day matters and we can make it what we want.  Yet we all know that life is like a patchwork quilt and while one square can be perfect.... it's all of them together that really make something.

So what does the bible say about transitions?  Not much... story-story-story.  The transitions of traveling or time when their isn't a story happening is left out.  (can't imagine how big the bible would be with all of the day to day!)  Yet that is where life is lived.

So that's what I'm up to this fall.  Living life.  Caring for my family.  Caring for myself.

Watch out blog - here I come.

In peace,
your sister in Christ~Erin

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