Friday, September 17, 2010


Confession:  I love lists.

I have been teased many times, but I like to make lists.  I make to do lists, wish lists, grocery lists... project lists... lists of books i want to read, people i want to learn about, places i want to go.  It's my way of being organized.  (not something some of my friends would describe me as)

Sometimes I put the simplest tasks on the list and sometimes very complicated ones.  It's the little things that make up so much of time though.  It's the little things that we remember and that give us joy.

The latest time consuming wonderful joy in my life has been cooking.  I get to cook for my grandparents daily and I'm always trying to use fresh fruits or vegetable and Grandma and I have been trying new recipes.  Last night we made sweet potato fries and they were AMAZING!

A really simple recipe, a common task that happens daily, but something I'll treasure for a long time.

This fall I have been living the phrase "take time to stop and smell the roses".  And I am forever grateful for this time.

Hoping you find your rest,
In peace - Erin

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