Saturday, February 07, 2009

Spirituality Test

I love personality tests!  Crazy fun ones, detailed ones, whatever.  I find it fascinating that we are all SO different.  Sometimes I am struck by this just during a conversation - however there are some great things we can learn through personality tests.  

Tests I have taken (and remember)- 
Truecolors - I am GREEN.  Very green on my own, with more people (especially children) my blue comes out stronger and stronger.  Gold comes with kids too - begrudgingly.  

MyersBriggs - ENFP.  I am an extreme extravert.  Must have people!  Also very feeling and perceptive.  The intuition verses sensing... eh.  

Animals - I'm an otter!  Compared to a beaver, lion, or golden retriever.  

Take a personality test here:

Discussing these with friends, as we do them or with others, has been a great tool in understanding why we see things differently or do things differently.  The language that goes with each category has been extremely helpful for me to better understand myself and identify, manage for, and appreciate the differences and strengths of others.  

So - I found spirituality test!  
There are 4 categories you can fit into

Guess what I am.....!
Each time I have taken the questionnaire
I have always come out as a Prophet!

I love that we are all so different in every way - yet all wonderfully made.  Here's one of my favorite verses on the matter -

Psalm 139:14 (The Message)

 13-16 Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; 
      you formed me in my mother's womb. 
   I thank you, High God—you're breathtaking! 
      Body and soul, I am marvelously made! 
      I worship in adoration—what a creation! 
   You know me inside and out, 
      you know every bone in my body; 
   You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, 
      how I was sculpted from nothing into something. 
   Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; 
      all the stages of my life were spread out before you, 
   The days of my life all prepared 
      before I'd even lived one day.

Here is where you can take it for yourself -

and here is the description about mine:
You are a Prophet, a crusader with a kingdom spirituality. You experience God best through serving others. You value competence and knowledge, and are good at leading and influencing others. Prophets are devoted to their causes, often becoming assertive and aggressive as you implement a vision of the world as God's kingdom on earth. You are our heroic change agents and we admire you for that. Single-minded and deeply focused, you aren't content until society has been transformed.

Prophets are the least represented spiritual type in the general population. You also are the hardest spiritual type to be around, mainly because you make the rest of us feel guilty for not having the same zeal for change that you do. We admire you for sacrificing your personal life for your hope of the kingdom realized on earth, but we are uncomfortable around martyrs.

You have a courageous and sturdy idealism that takes responsibility for change. But, your passion for transforming society can lead you to become impatient with congregations and their perceived lack of concern. You fit best in a hospitable, like-minded community that shares your vision.

Nevertheless, be careful not to become so involved in your cause that you neglect your inner life. Attend as much to your inner life as outer life. One will nourish the other.

Learn about other types: Sage | Prophet | Lover | Mystic

Famous Prophets:

Mother Teresa | Ralph Nader | John Calvin 
Lucy (Peanuts) | Rosa Parks | Dorothy Day 
Joan of Arc | Monica Geller | Martin Luther King, Jr. 
Jeremiah | Malcolm X | Ghandi 
Indigo Girls | Gandalf | Oprah Winfrey


your sister in the journey, Erin


Anonymous said...

I took the spirituality test because after you were talking about it I wanted to check it out! I am a 'lover'... how do lovers and prophets get along? I agree, it is weird how people can be so different. I think it is amazing how people have learned to adapt to get along with others who are nothing like themselves.

Spiritual Guide said...

Hey interesting post. It's funny how we use tests to define ourselves. I think some tests are better for showing us where we are right now without pigeon-holing us for life. Take this test for instance: Spirituality Test. It aims to show people where they are right now in their spirituality and how they can grow. Applying the teachings of christ to each person uniquely.