Friday, September 28, 2007


I find it extremly hard some days to focus on any one thing. There are so many thougts flooding through my mind that I often waste so much time doing what ends up to be well... nothing.
Still at the beginning of a new year it is at time for trying new things, getting into new grooves, making an effort to do things better. I have been trying to get in a daily devotional/prayer time yet so often I fail to do it. There are other things I have been better at - eating breakfast, doing some leisure reading before bed, but the God time is just not something I can ever seem to get focused on.
I put a picture of a candle because it means so many different things. Hope, light, warmth, yet all so focused in the one flame. When I light a candle I do much better at focusing on God. To try and quiet my mind and my spirit. Let go of my concerns and my worries and let God in.
The delima I feel like I face every day is when I do get to that relaxed state of letting God into my life, how do I keep it? A thought I so often get caught up on is from John 15 and also mentioned in Pauls letters to the Corinthians. The idea that we live in the world, but we must not be (or behave) of the world. That we as christians are different. The only way this difference is acheived is if we keep that presence of God with us and let him live through us. Sounds so great and wonderful, yet we all know how easy it is to get caught up in things of this world.
So i reflect on the candle, and pray for God to be with me, as I also pray he is with you.

God Bless,
your sister in Christ

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