Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Okay, so this is a site where a daily devotion will show up every day and comments are more than welcome. Anyone can visit and anyone can comment, we are just a group of christian friends. If you want to post a devo let erin know and i'll set you up. It is designed to give accountability to those who want it, help us all grow closer to God and more Christ like and in the process have some fellowship with some awesome people. If you want people to know who you are post a little bio and we'll hopefully be off the first week of October. God Bless you!

these are just idea's that can be changed or added to, just thought we should create some!
1: should have a scripture
2: feel free to add other info you know on the subject, links, picture, or WHY you chose that, or sources
3: if something comes up, that's fine, send erin an e-mail, and i'll make sure something shows up!
4: too many things to think about, open form! Have fun, pray about it
i'm excited to learn things from all of you not to mention new insights on the bible.
5: post between noon and noon (ex, if post is for monday post btw noon sunday and noon monday)
okay, until i find more ppl who want to post it'll be a little wierd, some country highlights and stuff. . .
how we all want this to keep us accountable is going to be individule, we can state our goals or whatever we really want, just comment, read, post, whatever every individule wants. We could make a post to introduce everyone, since only I know all of you, and there we could post our goals or whatever. Let me know what you think!
later and God Bless!

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