Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Prevenient Grace

Prevenient= meaning before
Wesley believed that we are all born with God's grace even though we are too young and incoherent to accept it ourselves we are stilled loved by God. Paul says we are all born sinners yet God gives us grace. This kind of grace is granted to everyone - no exceptions. Here are a few verses to bring this idea to light.

All peoples on earth will be blessed through you. Genesis 12:3

Your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost. Matthew 12:50

You did not choose me, but I chose you. John 15:16

Just some interesting info from www.umc.org - prevenient grace reminded me about baptism and i was confused about the two, so i went searching - here's what i found!

Within the Methodist tradition, baptism has long been a subject of much concern, even controversy. John Wesley retained the sacramental theology which he received from his Anglican heritage. He taught that in baptism a child was cleansed of the guilt of original sin, initiated into the covenant with God, admitted into the church, made an heir of the divine kingdom, and spiritually born anew. He said that while baptism was neither essential to nor sufficient for salvation, it was the "ordinary means" that God designated for applying the benefits of the work of Christ in human lives.

On the other hand, although he affirmed the regenerating grace of infant baptism, he also insisted upon the necessity of adult conversion for those who have fallen from grace. A person who matures into moral accountability must respond to God's grace in repentance and faith. Without personal decision and commitment to Christ, the baptismal gift is rendered ineffective.

Baptism for Wesley, therefore, was a part of the lifelong process of salvation. He saw spiritual rebirth as a twofold experience in the normal process of Christian developmentÂ?to be received through baptism in infancy and through commitment to Christ later in life. Salvation included both God's initiating activity of grace and a willing human response.

Any thoughts?
God Bless,
your sister in Christ ~Erin

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