Monday, November 03, 2008


Not alot has made it from my head lately to this blog. I wish I could be more reliable somedays. . . but it would take away from my "green" personality.

I sat in on an amazing session at a conference last week about Peace and resolving conflict. When talking about the healing process they discussed several steps. Many of which I think have more to do with learning who you are and being happy with it - or able to ask for help to become something else. I really liked this idea.

Steps in life:
1. Find your passion
2. Live it
3. Learn about others and their passions
4. Work together to make the world a better place

I'm sure I will work on this over the years. . . but really - find what you love to do and do it. Then encourage others to do the same. Enjoy life, and don't let others get you down.

My passion - serving others. Especially those who are disadvantaged, abused, or suffering from injustic. If you get to know me and my past (essential to getting to know me...) then you will understand why this is my passion.

How do I live it? I try to love every person I meet. Donate my time, energy, and what little money I have to good causes. I work with children trying to teach them to know themselves. No one can really be a "good person" without an understanding of who they are.

Others- I would like to try harder to really make an effort to learn about my friends passions in life. I feel like I am getting better at this.

When possible, it is an amazing thing to see multiple people working towards a shared passion. To be able to connect with another person or many others to really make a bigger and bigger difference in the world.

I LOVE the idea that this is the way to reduce conflict. In a single word to me it means - care. Care about yourself. Know yourself. Be confident with who you are and work towards your goals not just personally, but towards your passion. Then care about others. Learn their names. Their passions. Care about them as a person, not just a body who walked past you or you happen to run into. Look into their eyes, remember they have joys, struggles, family, and friends just like me. Ask honestly about how they are and listen to what they say. Even if you hate them for something they did, or for any other reason - remember they are another human being. As such they deserve to be treated as though they have something to offer the world. As an asset to the community. When everyone is given this kind of respect, reguardless of their past actions, we will have peace.

Prophetic? Idealistic?

don't agree?. . . eh, I still love you all the same.

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