Friday, February 09, 2007


I always have good intentions for this site. . . and someday the world will have 30 hours in a day and perhaps I will live up to those dreams? Some of it doesn't bother me much, because I tend to write when I am upset, frustrated, or depressed. But this blog gets much hopes and dreams, so that's not always the case.

I was at IV (intervarsity) last night, it is a christian fellowship group on my campus. Every thursday night we have large group where we worship, play some game, listen to a speaker, and pray together. Our speaker last night was a man I have met several times, Pastor Dominick Israel. He is the Methodist pastor from St. Luke's a small dying church on the north side. Pastor Dominick is from India. He spoke about many things. .. his personal life experiences in India and other places but mainly he simply encouraged and challenged us.

He taught us two great acrynyms to help us in our daily life.
How to pray
Adoration Confession Thanksgiving Supplication (asking, or praying for Someone else)
i learned this is confirmation as well, but i really like it. Sometimes we find it very difficult to pray, what to say? Doesn't God know?

But I really like this one
How to GROW
Go to God always/everyday!
Read the word always/everyday!
Open yourself to his work always/everyday!
Witness always/everyday!
It can often slip from us (like this blog does from you) too keep up with our daily quiet times. But how do we grow without them? How do we know God without them? How do we serve him without them? We don't. We often slowly fall into behaving in the christian way without the internal desire. We serve because it is right now because we are so joyful it simply flows out of us. We pray because we should not because we are bursting with emotion and ready to share it with our best friend. We try to save others for the kingdom when it's convient and easy for us to do instead of being in touch with God and allowing him to use us for his work. We don't save people. We never will save a single soul. God will and if he is willing, we may somehow have the opportunity to be of service for him, but we often forget why and who we do things for.

Don't forget to GROW!

God Bless!
your sister in Christ~Erin

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