Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Sometimes I feel needy. . . do you ever feel that way? I know I need something, but I'm too afraid or too proud to ask. We all need friends. True, close, honest friends. The ones who you know don't mind a phone call at 2 am, or in the middle of class because you need them. But why do i feel sometimes afraid to ask? We all say, call anytime. . . stop in anytime. . . don't worry about it. . . but do we question comments like these? I love this poem:

Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow,
don't walk behind me, i may not lead,
Just walk beside me and be my friend. -Camus

Many times I can't articulate my needs. Many times we don't think it's important enough to bother anyone about. Many times, i'm scared they will freak out. God offers constant support, is always there, and will always be there. But the thing I like about this poem is that i'm not asking you anything. I am answering your question. YOU asked, where do you want me? I guess that's how i view most relationships. I know what I want to get out of it, I know what i need to get out of it, but what about you? what do you want? Do you truely want to help, or just be around? God always says, I want to help you through this, how do you need me. Well . .. i need support. We all do. I encourage every Christian to create a support group amoung them. Wesley used to organize groups he labled classes. You had to go, and you had to share. You were help accountable. Create a space where you are comfortable and find people who will keep you accountable. We need support to grow, or we will crumble. God Bless!

Ecclesiastes 4:11-12
11 Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
But how can one keep warm alone?
12 Though one may be overpowered,
two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Your sister in Christ,

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